jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

An ammeter is an instrument used to measure the current that is flowing through an electrical circuit. A microammeter is calibrated in millionths of an ampere and a milliammeter in thousandths of an ampere.

Thin-cutting pliers
Allow you to make very fine cuts and close. The diagonal cutting pliers are very good but you need is to make a court almost glued to a PCB these tweezers are your solution. They have spring for easy operation.

Electric Battery
A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electricity through a chemical process transition, after which it goes out of business and have to renew their constituents, since these features are altered during the year.

 Electric Alligators
Alligators: cable to generate a short circuit or the circuit where the tips have an alligator for grip.

Electric Banana
Bananas: Electric wire for conducting electricity from the source to the circuit, on the one hand brings a banana wing to connect source and on the other hand brings an alligator to connect the circuit.

The protoboard: It's kind of board with holes in which to insert electronic components and wires to build circuits. As its name implies, this tablet also experimenting with electronic circuits, thus ensuring the smooth operation.

Electrical wire
Is called an electrical wire conductor (usually copper) or set them generally coated with an insulating material or protector.

A multimeter, also called polymer, is a portable electric tool to directly measure active electrical quantities such as current and potential (voltage) or passive like resistors, capacitors and others.

The resistor is called electronic component designed to introduce a specific electrical resistance between two points in a circuit.

The drill is a machine tool where most of the machined holes that are made to the parts in machine shops.

Electric soldering iron
The soldering iron is a very simple power tool has a set of elements to be properly connected will generate a metal bar enough heat to melt different metals, used for soldering electrical and electronic circuits.
The hammer is a tool used to hit a piece, causing their displacement or deformation.

Duct tape
Duct tape (also known as duct tape or electrical tape) is a type of tape used primarily to isolate pressure splices wire and cable.

Electric motor
An electric motor is an electric machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy by electromagnetic magnetic fields.

A generator is any device capable of maintaining an electric potential difference between two points transforming mechanical energy into electricity.

A screwdriver is a tool used for tightening and loosening screws and other machine elements that require little clamping force and are generally small in diameter.

The tape measure is a measuring instrument which is agree with the name of tape, with the addition that is built by a thin flexible strip, divided into units of measurement, and it is rolled into a plastic or metal housing .

A sensor is a device capable of detecting physical or chemical quantities, called variables, instrumentation, and transform them into electric variables.

A button or switch is a device used to activate a function. The buttons are of various shapes and sizes and are found in all types of devices, although mainly in electrical and electronic equipment.

An LED is a semiconductor diode that emits light. Indicators are used in many devices, and increasingly much more frequently in lighting. Presented as an electronic component.

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